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Advanced MS Excel 2016 Certification Training

Excel has become a requirement for nearly all positions in the analytics and consulting industries. This course will teach you the sophisticated functions utilized by analysts on a daily basis. You’ll also become acquainted with more advanced stages of Excel use, such as Macros, which will be useful in the future. Throughout the course, you will be given hands-on exercises and case studies to put your theoretical knowledge into practice.

Why This Course

“Companies like NVIDIA, Dell, and Walmart are looking for data analysts with advanced Excel knowledge.” – www.glassdoor.com

According to Payscale.com, the average annual income for a Data Analyst with MS Excel skills is $ 4,328.87


“Excel is the most sought-after software skill for Indeed job postings.” – www.hrdrive.com

$319.00 $399.00

Why Enroll In Course?

Advanced MS Excel 2016 Certification Training provides a thorough understanding of advanced Excel features for efficient and productive data analysis. The certification is a recognized credential valued by employers and provides access to a supportive community of professionals. It helps individuals stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in data analysis and visualization.

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About the Advanced Excel course

    Advanced Excel 2016 training course will help you facilitate and gain expertise in Advanced Excel techniques covering concepts like Lookup functions, Logical functions, Formula Auditing, Data validation, What-if Analysis, Pivot tables, Pivot charts, Advanced Filters, Sparklines, Macros, and Data Security.

What are the objectives of this Advanced Excel course?

After the completion of this training, you will be able to:
  • Learn new features in MS Excel 2016 and implement advanced excel concepts
  • Customize Quick Access toolbar and apply conditional formatting to personalize the sheet
  • Apply advanced functions and formulas to enhance Excel’s productivity
  • Perform What-if analysis command to experiment with data
  • Apply data validation to restrict data input
  • Design Pivot tables and Pivot charts to analyze data and apply slicer and timeline to add more interactivity
  • Use Macros to automate routine tasks in Excel
  • Integrate passwords to protect Excel files
  • Use Excel shortcuts wherever applicable

Why Learn Advanced Excel?

Advanced MS Excel 2016 Course will help you master your Excel skills and kick it up a notch. This course is designed to equip you with skills to create and work on MS Excel capabilities like:
  • New features of 2016 to help you optimize the platform to the best of its ability
  • Master advanced functions and formulas to perform calculations, data tools to manipulate data, and use Macros to automate routine tasks in Excel
  • Use advanced charts, graphs, and Pivot tables to perform advanced data analysis
  • Provide data protection solution using data security capabilities

Who Should go for this Course ?

The following professionals can take up this VBA in Excel course:
  • Data Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Advanced Excel User
  • Fresher seeking jobs in Analytics/Consulting job streams

What are the pre-requisites for this Advanced Excel course?

    There are no prerequisites for this course. However, a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel will be supportive.